I began to consider the practicalities of staging my current idea of having the stage split into 3 sections. I primarily focused on how I would create the major set pieces for each memory.
To create the cliff edge, I will need Polystyrene and paint, placed over a set of rostra so that I can walk on them. The Martello tower will require a cylinder object covered in a dusty yellow colour wallpaper (as seen above).
For the swamp/marsh lands, I will require a small tub like object which will hold some murky water. Additionally, I will need to have a set of withered looking planks that stretch over the water like a bridge.
Furthermore, I will require a Rosetta coloured mud/wood type material to cover the floor of the final location. In order to create the wall, I will need a rostrum turned on its side covered with a pale white wallpaper that can be written on.
The purpose of accurately recreating the locations is important as I would like the audience to be transported into the memories alongside me rather than simply being told about what happened. This will allow the audience to have a more vivid experience of what occurred in each story.
Abbott, M. (2011) San Del Xanso [Online]. Available at: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1BioSaVWrq8/TmZ-9emFogI/AAAAAAAAAW0/O65-7Pt3R7M/s1600/IMGP0288.JPG [Accessed 18 February 2017]